
In my 75th year, 2012/2013, I will pray for peace in as many places of worship around the world as I can.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Corpus Christi Church [14]

Attended mass today at Corpus Christi Church in Wethersfield. This is where I sometimes worshipped when living there during my high school years. The church is very familiar to me as my Great Aunt Kiki, Katherine Conway Welch, was organist there for years. As a child living with her in Hartford, I would travel by bus to the church on Saturdays to be with her as she played for weddings and funerals. Sitting on the organ bench with her, I had a bird's eye view of the ceremonies; I sat facing the altar. Sitting away from the altar view, she had a mirror to let her know when to play each piece. It was always exciting when there was a soloist, usually a soprano singing the 'Ave Maria'.

Today I sat in the back of the church under the 8th Station of the Cross: “Weep not for Me, but for thy children.” There were no candles to light so I left my card in the collection basket. Being there at high noon I expected a high mass but this was not to be; nor organ music, nor choir, nor hymns to be sung.

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